
Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Download Pro PDF Reader v3 7 10 APK

Download Pro PDF Reader  v3.7.10 APK. PRO PDF Reader for Android (with DjVu support)  It does what you expect to do. You can easily lay down and read pdf books and documents with this app. The amazing enhancement dims your screen in some way that it doesnt hurt your eyes. Easy to set and keep scrolling.  Pro Features: No Ads, No Internet permission Browse and Search PDF and DjVu documents Support password protected PDF Files

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Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Bird Bar Premium Notifications 2 0 6 Apk Download

Bird Bar Premium Notifications 2.0.6 Apk Download
Req: Android 2.1+ Android Apps

Bird Bar Premium Notifications 2.0.6 Apk Download.. NOW you can check on your notifications even when you are playing a full screen game! With Bird Bar, all you need to do is swipe from off the edge of your screen onto the screen. Its sort of like you are already doing, except you dont need to see the notification bar or status bar to do it and it works from any side of the screen! GET NOW!

Bird Bar Premium Notifications 2.0.6 Apk Download Features:
  • Simple swiping from any edge of the screen to show your notification drawer. Now you can check your notifications when you hear a sound or feel a vibration while you are playing a game without messing up your progress.
  • Two presets: The original invisible mode that lets you swipe from any edge of the screen. And a NEW much more sensitive AND visible mode for swiping from the top and top corners.
  • No ads or internet permissions! Its not a shady app

Download Bird Bar Premium Notifications 2.0.6 Apk Download
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10 Situs yang Paling Sering Dikunjungi di Dunia

10. Rapidshare
Situs yang satu ini sering dikunjungi oleh mereka yang mau download musik, game, ataupun aplikasi-aplikasi lainnya. Situs ini menyediakan 2 macam bentuk download, yaitu free download dan premium download. Tercatat bahwa sekitar 3.000.000 orang per harinya membuka situs ini dan sekitar 81% darinya melakukan pengunduhan file dari situs ini.

9. WordPress
Salah satu situs yang menyediakan pembuatan blog bagi para user-nya. Situs untuk membuat blog ini sangat populer di kalangan remaja, mahasiswa, maupun perusahaan-perusahaan kecil karena tampilan yang sederhana dan rapi. Tercatat sekitar 3.250.000 orang menggunakan situs ini untuk membuat blog dan 1.000.000 di antaranya merupakan perusahaan-perusahaan atau toko-toko kecil yang mempromosikan barangnya melalui

8. Wikipedia
Wikipedia merupakan salah satu situs terbesar yang menyediakan ensiklopedia secara gratis kepada para user. User sendiri dapat membuat baru atau mengedit sebuah artikel yang ada di dalam situs cuma-cuma ini. Wikiedia tak hanya menyediakan artikel dalam bahasa Inggris, bahkan artikel dalam 35 bahasa lainnya (termasuk Bahasa Indonesia) tersedia di situs ini. Tercatat sekitar 3.600.000 orang mengunjungi situs ini per harinya untuk menambah wawasan dan informasi mereka.

7. PayPal
PayPal merupakan situs yang membantu kita untuk melakukan transaksi melalui internet. Situs ini sangat populer terutama di Amerika Serikat karena sangat aman dan mudah untuk melakukan transaksi melalui internet. Situs ini dirancang demi keamanan para user untuk berbelanja suatu barang dan mengurangi dampak penipuan atau penyedotan kartu kredit. Sekitar 4.100.000 orang setiap harinya mengunjungi situs ini dari 223.000.000 user yang telah terdaftar di situs ini

6. Youtube
Dengan motonya Broadcast Yourself, situs ini merupakan tempat kumpulan video-video dari user yang terdaftar di situs ini. User dengan bebas dapat meng-upload video kreasinya masing-masing, selanjutnya user lainnya dapat menonton video tersebut lalu memberi komentar. Sebagian besar, tujuan user untuk mengunggah video mereka adalah untuk menjadi populer dan dapat masuk ke dunia entertainment. Sekitar 4.560.000 orang mengunjungi situs ini.

5.Yahoo! Mail
Sekitar 4.700.000 user setiap harinya memeriksa e-mail mereka melalui Yahoo! Mail. Situs ini sangat populer karena tampilannya yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan oleh anak-anak, remaja, dan dewasa. Kontrol privasi sangat terjaga melalui situs ini, dan juga orang tua dapat memantau e-mail anak-anak mereka sehingga tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

4. Facebook
Salah satu situs jejaring sosial cuma-cuma yang paling populer di kalangan remaja. Facebook setiap harinya dikunjungi kurang lebih oleh 5.000.000 orang dari seluruh dunia. Tampilannya yang sederhana memudahkan user untuk memberikan informasi tentang diri mereka kepada teman-temannya. Aplikasi-aplikasi banyak tersedia di situs ini mulai dari mp3, games, dan lain-lain.

3. Twitter
Twitter juga merupakan situs jejaring sosial cuma-cuma seperti Facebook. Namun, yang berbeda dari Facebook, situs ini menyediakan kotak pesan dengan maksimal 140 huruf yang disebut dengan tweets. Ide tweets ini didasari dari SMS pada Handphone, sehingga user dapat leluasa mengirim pesan satu sama lain atau ke banyak orang. Twitter juga sering disebut sebagai SMS Internet cuma-cuma. Kurang lebih, 5.100.000 orang mengunjungi situs ini termasuk bintang papan atas di seluruh dunia. Mereka lebih senang memakai twitter karena dapat meng-update kegiatan apa saja yang mereka lakukan kepada para fans mereka.

2. Yahoo!
Search Engine ini banyak digunakan oleh pemakai Internet untuk mencari informasi yang mereka butuhkan hanya dengan memasukkan kata-kata kunci. Selain itu, Yahoo! juga menyediakan berita terkini yang telah terjadi dan selalu di update dalam jamnya. Yahoo! dikunjungi sekitar 5.320.000 user setiap harinya.

1. Google
Google adalah situs yang paling sering dikunjungi oleh para pengguna Internet. Lebih dari 6.000.000 pengguna Internet membuka situs google untuk mencari informasi yang dibutuhkan. Sama halnya dengan Yahoo!, Google juga merupakan search engine yang hanya perlu memasukkan kata kunci, sehingga kita dapat menemukan informasi yang dibutuhkan.
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Crazy Chicken Deluxe v2 3 1 2 3 1 APK

Crazy Chicken Deluxe v2.3.1 [2.3.1] APK

Crazy Chicken Deluxe
In this hunting game, not everything is about shooting. Crazy Chickens are tricky! Try to find all the secret puzzles to maximize your score!


Direct and indirect touch controls including lefty option
Includes English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Czech translations.
A lot of game to shoot!
Easy to pick up, difficult to master!
Find the second level!
Unlock the mighty Skycleaner weapon. Then use the mailbox to send some chicken!Whats in this version: (Updated : May 24, 2013)

Shake to reload
Parallax scrolling
More sound effects
Higher scores possible
Swipe Menu
Language setting copied from phone setting
Speed adjustments
Chicken speed increased
BugfixRequired Android O/S : 1.6+


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Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Juggernaut Revenge of Sovering Apk 2 4

Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering Apk 2.4

Whats in this version:

  • Critical bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug with the execution
  • Fixed bug with "Attack!"
  • Fixed a bug with the screen capture mode
  • Fixed a bug in the Nexus 7
  • Improved compatibility with Android 4.1 and 4.2
  • and more!

Download Here 

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What A Cult v1 0 4 Apk Android App

Requirements: Android 2.1 and up
Overview: How much you know about movies, books and famous people?

 How much you know about movies, books and famous people?
 Try yourself playing with more than 800 challenges and guess the title or the name through the given clues. WAC is the game that allows you to test your knowledge and share your score on Twitter and Facebook. Can your friends do better?

 Whats in this version:
 Scoreloop upgraded to version 3.0.1 to fix share functionalities on Android 3.x and 4.x
 License is now checked only once, when the application starts

More Info:
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WP7Contact Full v1 4 0 apk

WP7Contact Full v1.4.0.apk. Add pin latter in contact list.Add new colors in accent color. click number to copy in the dialer. long click number to paste in the dialer. fix delete contact problem. light, dark theme add # symbol in letter mode. When clicked, start to dialer. add % symbol in letter mode. When clicked, move to first contact. add Russian letter in next version.


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Crystal Throne APK v1 0 7

Crystal Throne APK v1.0.7
You can experience the pleasure of building your own kingdom and commanding an army to dominate the world. Team up with other players and venture into dungeons full of mysterious monsters and fabulous treasure. Do you have what it takes to sit upon the Crystal Throne? 

As a legendary hero on this continent of swords and magic, establish your own kingdom, hunt for treasure, slay evil dragons, and take an adventure together with users from around the world!
  • Play with thousands of other players from around the world 
  • 3 different characters: Warrior, Mage, and Ranger 
  • Construct your own unique and powerful kingdom 
  • Recruit units and build your army 
  • Different maps full of challenges awaiting to be explored 
  • Team up with other players to enhance your power 
  • Fantastic 3D dungeons and powerful fighting skills with magnificent effects 
  • Many types of equipment with multiple levels to upgrade 
  • Rewards for challenging other players
On your way you will meet Terra Dahl’s finest Halfling Assassins, Human Arch-mages, and Dwarven Warriors in search of relics. The journey of the Crystal Throne assembles the most powerful forces to protect the entire world, and to write a legendary story of love and peace.

Whats in this version : (Updated : Feb 6, 2013)
  • Bug Fixed.
  • Optimize the process of tutorial.
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Catapult King 1 0 3

Catapult King 1.0.3catapult-king-1-0-3

04.30.2013, ANDROID GAMES

Category: Casual
Current Version: 1.0.3
Requires Android: 2.3 and up
1.0.3 version:
Various bug fixes and improvements
Improvements to social features and gameplay enhancements
Now enhanced for tablets
App Info:
Become the catapult…
Take down forts, castles and even a fire-breathing dragon in Catapult King—the King of castle crushers! Rescue the Princess and defeat the enemy in this beautiful, 3D fantasy adventure.
**Runs beautifully on tablets**
Princesses are constantly getting themselves kidnapped by dragons and this one is no different. Now it’s up to you to get her back using your arsenal of cannonballs and power-ups.
The Nasty Knights are helping the Dragon keep the Princess captive. Teach them a lesson in 96 fun and challenging Levels.
Complete Levels to earn magic, then use this to enchant your Catapult. You can give your Catapult a line of sight for accuracy, use the Earth Shock to blast the bad guys away, or call in a devastating Lunar Strike!

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Boat Cloud Print Add on apk New Version

Boat Cloud Print Add-on apk
Boat Cloud Print Add-on apk

Current Version : 1.1
Requires Android : 2.3 and up
Category : Business
Size : 446k

Original Post From

Boat Cloud Print Add-on apk Description

Boat Cloud Print Add-on is an exclusive add-on for Boat Browser, which is used to print the web page in boat browser anytime and anywhere by Google Cloud Print Service.

Boat Cloud Print Add-on supports three print methods:
★ Print by pdf
Will convert the page to pdf as is and then print it.
★ Direct print
Will send the page directly to Google Cloud Print.
★ Print by screenshot
Will send the web screenshot to the Google Cloud Print.

Boat Cloud Print Add-on need to use Google account to get the device you want to print to and submit the print job, you can use your account existed in your device to login immediately without input your account name and password.

Google Cloud Print is a new technology that connects your printers to the web. Using Google Cloud Print, you can make your home and work printers available to you and anyone you choose, from the applications you use every day. Google Cloud Print works on your phone, tablet, Chromebook, PC, and any other web-connected device you want to print from.
★ Print Anywhere
Google Cloud Print works with all printers, but for the best printing experience we recommend that you use a Cloud Ready printer. You can connect a printer to your Google Cloud Print account in seconds, and immediately start printing to it.
★ Print easily
No complex steps, just login and choose the device you want to print to, then click the print button you will see the result in a few seconds.

Try it out and have fun! You can find Boat Browser here:

Your suggestions are always appreciated. Please email us with any questions or feature requests.
Our Email:

Find out more about us at:
Twitter -
Facebook -
Website -

Boat Cloud Print Add-on apk Videos and Images

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APK FILES™ Angry Birds Rio Apk v1 5 0 Mod Free Download

Angry Birds Rio Apk v1.5.0 Mod (Ad-free & Free-Shopping)
Angry Birds Rio v1.5.0 
Requirements: 2.2 and up
Overview: The most exciting of avian adventures continues!
What happens when everyones favorite fierce fowl get caged and shipped to Rio? They get very angry!

In Angry Birds Rio, the original Angry Birds are kidnapped and taken to the magical city of Rio de Janeiro, where they eventually escape their captors and set out to save their friends, Blu and Jewel – two rare macaws and the stars of the hit motion picture, Rio. Angry Birds Rio pairs the physics-based gameplay of the original game with unique twists based on the film.

Angry Birds Rio features:
- Six fantastic episodes with 180 exciting levels, plus 12 bonus levels!
- Completely new achievements!
- Special Hidden fruits - discover them all!
- Put your Angry Birds skills to the ultimate test in spectacular boss fights!

Whats in this version:
New Rio 1.5.0:
Its samba time -- with 24 new levels and new power-ups! Angry Birds Rio now has Sling Scope laser targeting and Super Seeds to supersize your birds, PLUS never-before-seen power-ups: Samba Burst and TNT Drop!
Collect stars to unlock 18 special Star Levels!
Earn feathers to unlock 6 Mighty Eagle levels!
Get 20 free power-ups!
Check back daily for your free power-up!
Dance your way to destruction with Samba Burst!
Send a "special delivery" with the TNT drop!

More Info:

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Download Screen maker nice screenshot v1 5 18 APK

Download Screen maker - nice screenshot v1.5.18 APK.You do not need Photoshop or Gimp anymore and you do not have to work with layers. Just take a screenshot of your application and put this into the Screen maker. It will do the best screenshot of your application, ready to post on your website or blog.  In short, this application allows to connect 2 images: screenshot and smartphone image, the result is image ready to post on website or blog.

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APK FILES™ Monster Park Apk 1 4 0 Mod

Monster Park Apk 1.4.0 Mod (Unlocked+Unlimited) 

Monster Park Apk Full Cracked
Android Requirements: 2.1 and up
Overview: Build a world famous Monster Park and discover an insane variety of Monsters!

UPDATE 6:30am ET 9/15:We sincerely apologize for the problems users have been having with their Parks over the past 24 hours. We have identified the issues and now all users should be back online.
Please EXIT and RELOAD the game as this should remedy MANY of the problems users have been having with their Parks. Upon reload, users should also now be seeing FREE GOLD in their HUD. Stay tuned for further updates as well as we continue to recover. 
STILL having problems? Pls visit for more updates or let us know and well do our best to help. Thanks for your patience!
Build a world famous Monster Park and discover an insane variety of Monsters! Feed them, watch them grow, and breed them to plunge yourself into monsterly fun!

WARNING: You may find yourself obsessed with collecting every single Monster in the game! Cyclos, dragons, unicorns, and more!
As you build your Park, youll be able to:
• Collect dozens of quirky and lovable Monsters
• Watch your Monsters walk, fly, celebrate, or laze around
• Fill your Park with tons of rooms and decorations
• Breed and discover the rarest Mythic Monsters - dragons and more!
• Attract Visitors to your magnificent Park
• Brag to your friends that your Park is SOOO much better than theirs!
DISCLAIMER: All Monster romances are strictly fictional and should not be tried at home. 
SUPPORT US: Please rate Monster Park and leave a review. We love hearing back from Monster fans!
IN-APP PAYMENTS: Monster Park is free to play, but you can buy cool stuff in the game if you want. That helps power our Monster Factory to make more Monsters. You can also disable the in-app purchases feature on your phone.
FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONS: Feel free to reach out to us at any time by emailing Please include the following information so that we can help you most effectively!
- Version of the game you are playing
- Android device that you have
- Gmail address associated with you Google Play Account
LOG PERMISSION: We use the log permission to debug the game. Help us get the bugs!

Whats in this version:
9/10 - Version 1.4.0 released - Includes bug fixes for Romance Room, Expansions and various loading and crashing issues. Also released a new Back to School SALE!
Introducing the new FIRE Monsters set. An ALL NEW set of 9 monsters to buy, breed and collect!

MOD specification :
- level reward increase to 999.999 silver/gold
- quest reward up to 999.999 exp/silver
- buy all for 1 gold or silver
- fast contruction for 1 gold
- daily bonus up to 999.999 silver/gold
- feed monster for 1
and more ....

More info

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GO SMS Pro Premium v4 79 Apk Full App

GO SMS Pro Premium v4.79 Proper
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: GO SMS Pro is a total enhancement for stock messaging app, much faster, more functions; with cool UI, chat/list style, popups, backup/restore, scheduler, encryption, blacklist, folders, many themes, tons of settings; Include almost ALL functions you want for texting, it is very popular, get it and try it.
GO SMS Pro is the most popular messaging app; Very powerful, Cool, Funny, Safe, Fully customizable; Well support SMS/MMS + GO Chat(free message) + Walkie Talkie(free voice). MUST HAVE.
★ Features
– Full SMS/MMS support
– GO Share service, send file through 2G/3G/4G or WIFI or by one SMS
– GO Chat/Facebook Chat support
– Doodle, Handwriting
– Private box
– Schedule SMS
– Batch modes
– Popup with quick reply, privacy mode
– SMS backup and restore by all or by conversations, can be sent to email
– Many cool themes; also DIY theme, Theme Maker plug-in;
– Fully customizable look; Supports chat or list style; Font changeable
– Security lock, support lock by thread; Blacklist
– Support GESTURE, left/right slip, many transition effect
– Support Emoji with Emoji pulg-in
– Settings backup and restore
– Facebook contact photo support
– Group texting
– Notification with privacy mode and reminder notification
– Support folders view: Inbox, Outbox, MMS, created folders, encrypt folders
– Individual customization for Notification , Signature and Conversation
– 1×1 icon widget with message count and 4×2 medium widget
– Support many languages
– Online SMS lib
– Handy, build-in Contacts
– Night mode
– Stock SMS can be removed (but please be care)
– Split large messages for CDMA
– Time offset adjustment
– Avoid disordered messages: sort by time or by order of msg sent/received
– Localization support for accented chars: by enabling Czech, Polish and French SMS mode
– Quick text management
– Messages grouping (Group mode or Separate mode)
★ Users feedback extract:
▪ Love how it’s easy to use and very fast; Nicer, slimmer and smoother than Handcent SMS or chompSMS
What’s in this version:
Update (2013-4-26)
1. Fix the problem may crash sometimes caused by message list.
Update (2013-4-25)
1. Fix the problem sms of private box appear in normal message list.
V4.79 Update (2013-4-24)
1. Fix the problem update prompt of quick panel appear too frequently
2. Fix the problem cloud-backup keep showing notifications
3. Optimize GetJar premium features’ payment and download process
4. Other UI/UE improvements and bugs fix
Download Zippyshare
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FRONTLINE COMMANDO Armv6 v3 0 2 APK Mod Unlimited Coins

FRONTLINE COMMANDO Armv6 v3.0.2 APK Mod Unlimited Coins
Simple to play but hard to finish just because of its FREEMIUM game but in this version you will get Unlimited Glu Coins and the only Minus point of this modded apk is that game will be ruined if we get unlimited coins. Forget it. play the game till end and enjoy.

new Version updated
new features included

Download Here
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Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Multi Copy Paste! Apk v1 5 1 5

Whats in this version :

  • FAST

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Fingerprint Lock v1 9

Fingerprint Lock v1.9
Fingerprint Lock v1.9
Requirements: ANDROID 2.1 and up
Overview: Customizable Fingerprint Lock that actually locks your phone!

 Customizable Fingerprint Lock that actually locks your phone!
 Get the only fingerprint scanner lock that actually works as a lock screen and uses your own wallpaper! Simply run the app and your normal lock screen will be disabled until you exit the app.

 This app includes large, visible time and date and Customizable Features, including Themes and Fonts.
 Your own wallpaper will be shown behind the lock screen, even Live Wallpapers!
 Invalid identity scans will be denied access to prevent intruders. However when you scan your own thumb print, you will be granted access quickly and easily.
 Access the settings menu to customize and personalize the Fingerprint Lock screen to your liking, including options to disable sounds, vibration, show or hide the date and/or help button, to change themes, or to change the font of the time and date.

 - Actually locks your phone!
 - No notification bar and button presses are disabled! (including Home and Back buttons)
 - Large, easy to read Clock and Date!
 - Many fonts and themes to customize your own personal lock screen!
 - Shows your own personal wallpaper, including Live Wallpapers!

 Note! - This app does not actually scan your fingerprint. That is impossible. It works great as a lock screen, but is great for pranks, jokes, and fooling people. There is a hidden button that will toggle access to the phone. After toggling access to allow entry, you can either scan and be granted access, or you can enter the settings menu. This is all explained in the app by clicking the "Help" button. I am not liable for any actions involving the use of this app and can not guarantee that no one will be able to access your device while using this app.

 Whats in this version: (Updated : Jan 29, 2013)
 Settings can now be accessed by touching and holding the LED image any time!
 Fixed some issues with scan initialization on certain devices!
 Some feature updates and other minor changes/fixes.
Download Instructions:Released by chathu_ac

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Apps ROOT Beats Audio� Installer

This is a downloadable version to install the beats audio driver on the galaxy y device.
Beats Audio is one of the leading manufacturers of reliable and fantastic headphone sets in the world today.

[ROOT] Beats Audio� Installer

This is fully working on Galaxy y of course and will not cause any issues. If you have DSP installed on your device, uninstall it first since it will force close or make your sounds really bad.

Just install this on your galaxy y, and you need to have root access before you install.
This will boost high tones and low tones on your device. Meaning, it will make you bass much bassier and your treble much treblier, lol.

[ROOT] Beats Audio� Installer

Download here.

Have fun on this tweak, you can also download the flashable version on tweaks page.

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Tentacle Wars v2 0 7 Apk

Tentacle Wars v2.0.7 Apk

Arcade & Action

Intense Audiovisual Experience
Based on the popular Flash Game with 25 Million Fans

80 Missions in an Exceptional Campaign Mode
A contaminated alien organism is about to die... Take a deep look inside, while it launches its final defense program. Enter a microscopic world of cells, neurons and DNA tentacles. Take control of the last antibody cells and save the entire species from extinction.

Make the Impossible Possible
You can cure the organism by capturing enemy cells. To do this, draw a line between green antibody and red enemy cells. This will launch DNA tentacles which drain energy from enemy cell cores and eventually overtake them. Keep an eye on your energy supply and boost your attacks by cutting the tentacles. Capture all enemy cells to secure a zone. Cure all zones and the life form will survive…

Furious Enemy
Beware of an intelligent and wide awake enemy which fights back without ever giving up. You’ll need to stay focused and master the art of “Tentacle War” in order to prevent the death of your host.

All New Game Experience
Easy to Get Into, Hard to Put Down
Retina Display Support
Microscopic World
Suspenseful Atmosphere
80 Single Player Missions
Original Soundtrack
Optional Random Level Generator
Optimizations for sub 6" HD Displays
Requires less permissions now

Screenshots : Lets look!!

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Action Launcher Pro v1 6 2 apk download


Requirements:- Android 4.0.3 and up
??? Featured by Engadget, Lifehacker and Leo Laporte on TWiT ???
??? "Action Launcher is something special." - Android Police ???
??? "Action Launcher brings something new to the table, and its definitely worth a look." - Android Central ???

Action Launcher re-imagines the concept of an Android launcher. Put simply, Action Launcher is designed to get you where you need to go, faster.

It looks and feels like a natural launching pad for the Android ecosystem.

Standout features include:
* A sliding quickdrawer for instant access to all your apps.
* Covers, an innovative new way to quickly launch apps and shortcuts without compromising the look of your carefully crafted homescreen.
* Shutters, a unique feature that unlocks the power and potential of Android widgets. Swipe an app icon, and that apps widget is automatically created (note: Shutters require Android 4.1 Jelly Bean).
* Quicksearch, a fast and powerful feature that allows you to search for apps, contacts and even music directly from the action bar.
* Androids unique and powerful action bar is fully integrated into your desktop.
* Full tablet support (including the Nexus 10).
* All of the settings you expect from custom launcher: specify apps to hide, adjustable number of home screen pages, grid sizes, page margins, dock toggles, lock desktop, resize any widget, etc.
* Strong Play Store integration.

Action Launcher allows you to import from existing launcher layout from other launchers such as Apex, Nova, TouchWiz and the stock Android launcher, so youll instantly feel right at home.

Whats in this version:
NEW: Drag apps & widgets from the quickdrawer directly to a Home screen. This massively improves your customization workflow.
NEW: Lock/unlock desktop.
NEW: Shutters, a groundbreaking new feature that automatically puts widgets just a swipe away. (Note that due to Android API limitations, shutters require Android 4.1 or later)
NEW: Full tablet support.

Google Play Store
Cost:- $4.17 or Rs.225.00

Download Full Version Here:-

File size:- 2.9mb

View the original article here

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Better Cracked Screen PRO BCSP v2 3 5 apk

Better Cracked Screen PRO BCSP-v2.3.5.apk. Because keeps running, even when You press BACK button, or HOME button... Prank is still ready!! You are sure Your joke will not fail!! Even in touch mode there is a delay, so Your friends will be surprised after few touches!! Perfect prank! Multi-mode, multi-crack!! Enjoy!! Overridden BACK button AND HOME button- more realistic, when BACK & HOME buttons doesnt work. Shake Your Phone, to stop program. Close App by pressing HOME button. Short, realistic vibration.


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Tower Raiders 3 GOLD v0 29 Full APK DATA

Tower Raiders 3 GOLD v0.29 Full (APK+DATA). The humans youre charged with saving are depending on you commander, but youre also depending on them. Theyre collecting the resources you need to build towers. Luckily, they can handle themselves well - but you can always direct them to do what you see fit, and theyll be happy to follow your orders.

Download Tower Raiders 3 GOLD v0.29 Full APK
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Download Siine Keyboard v1 14 01 APK Full Version

Download Siine Keyboard v1.14.01 APK Full Version

Siine Keyboard v1.14.01 APK Full Version
Req: Android 1.6+ Android Apk Free

Siine Keyboard v1.14.01 APK new fully Version ! Siine. A sweet new experience of texting like you talk. It´s not just about speed, its about having personality. Also gives a clock and calendar in your keyboard for typing times - GENIUS! PLAY NOW!

Siine the new dynamic keyboard app gives you a great keyboard, but with extra, brilliant features that make texting fast and fun.

Siine Keyboard v1.14.01 APK Full Version Features:
  • Shortcuts - Fully-customizable icons for super-fast shortcuts for greetings such as “Hey man, how’s it going?” to “Cool, talk to you soon”
  • A built-in Clock and Calendar lets you text about time and dates easier than ever before!
  • Stress Message screen for when you’re in a rush. Text “Sorry, can’t talk now. Call you right back” with only a couple taps of the keyboard.
  • Slang Sets – Get cool add-on slang sets such as Street, Aussie and Flirting. “Waazzupp?? Holla at me yo!”
  • Personalized Emoticons - Love Emoticons? Siine lets you create your very own!
  • Sexy Delete – Delete text fast with the wiggle of your finger – ohh la la!

PLay Now!

Download Siine Keyboard v1.14.01 APK Full Version
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Apex Launcher Pro v2 0 0 beta 1 Apk Full App

Apex Launcher Pro v2.0.0 beta 1
Requirements: Android 4.0+
Overview: Powerful, fast, and highly customizable home replacement for Android 4.0+.
Apex Launcher helps you create a customized homescreen experience on your Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) device.
- Customizable homescreen grid size and up to 9 homescreens
- Scrollable dock with up to 7 icons per page and up to 5 pages
- Infinite & elastic scrolling (homescreen, drawer and dock)
- Fancy transition effects (tablet, cube, etc.)
- Hide elements as you want (persistent search bar, status bar, or even the dock)
- Customizable icons and labels for shortcuts and folders
- Choose different folder preview styles and background
- Multiple drawer styles (transparent/opaque, horizontal/vertical, paginated/continuous)
- Drawer apps sorting (title, install date, mostly used)
- Hide apps from the drawer
- Lock your desktop to prevent accidental changes
- Enjoy homescreen gestures (pinch, swipe up/down, double tap)
- Backup/restore settings and data
- Optimized for both phones and tablets
- Lots of other customization options!
Apex Launcher Pro (Paid Version) Features:
- Multiple configurable drawer tabs
- Unread count notifications
- Dock swipe gestures
- Two finger gestures
- More transition effects
- Batch add option for folders
- Option to merge folder contents
- Widgets in dock (1×1 only)
- Overlapping widgets
- More features on the way!
Note: Due to limitations of the Android framework, you won’t be able to add widgets from the app drawer without root access. If your device is rooted, please enable the Root Helper via Settings > Advanced settings > Enable Root Helper.
- Pinch the screen to access screen previews (like Exposé or HTC Sense).
- Long press an icon to drag and drop it over another one to create a folder.
- Long press icons/folders on the desktop and choose edit from the popup menu to customize icons and labels.
- Drag, hover, and drop app icons over the delete button at the top of the screen to quickly uninstall apps.
- Long press an app in the hide apps list to quickly launch that app.
- Switch to single screen wallpaper mode to fix wallpaper zooming issues.
- Enable the Root Helper in advanced settings (root required) to add widgets from the drawer.
- BIND_APPWIDGET: Required to add widgets from the drawer (only if installed as system app).
- CALL_PHONE: Create direct-dial shortcuts on the homescreen.
- INTERNET/ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Check for updates and anonymous usage/error reporting (optional).
- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Backup/restore settings and data.
- READ_CONTACTS/READ_SMS/GET_ACCOUNTS/READ_CONTENT_PROVIDER: Missed call and unread SMS/Gmail notifications (pro version).
What’s in this version:
v2.0.0beta1 (Apr 25, 2013)
Folders in the app drawer (pro)
Integration with Apex Notifier (pro)
Support for new apps and options
Also works with DashClock (Android 4.2+)
Notification badge style options (pro)
Badge shape, color, position
Default on for external notifiers (pro)
Re-organized and improved settings menu
Removed permissions for notifications
Fixed bugs with accessibility
Various fixes and improvements
Updated translations
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Stick Stunt Biker 2 1 9

Download :
Current Version: 1.9
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Category: Racing
v1.9 update:
• Correctly remove ads when purchasing “remove ads” feature
• Back button now support and behaving as expected
• Don’t enable screensaver while playing
• New pack “Future Zone”
• New obstacles: Energy Field, Laser
• New option to show ghost of your best ride
• Google Play Game Services integrated for leaderboards and achievements
• Race against best or last ghost
• More amazing crash effects
• Better performance on older devices
Stick Stunt Biker 2, the sequel to the smash hit Stick Stunt Biker (featured in the game of the year 2011 and 2012 categories) with more than 10 million players is now available! Bike fun and challenging tracks in different beautiful atmospheric locations and unlock various bikes like the chopper, the speed bike or even the hovering future bike. Avoid amazing obstacles while you master the tricky tracks, perform insane stunts and wheelies or relax while riding the chopper through spectacular landscapes.
Now with Google Play Services Leaderboards and Achievements support!!!
• More than 60 beautiful designed tracks
• Get up to 3 stars on each track
• Google Play Game Services integrated for leaderboards and achievements
• Fully physic enabled bike and physic enabled player for spectacular crashes
• Different unique amazing atmospheric locations, from relaxing landscapes to scary forests
• Various bikes to unlock including Speed Bike, Chopper, Police Bike, Future Bike, etc. each one with different physics and bike shocks
• Amazing obstacles to avoid including see-saw, carnivorous plants, traps, oil barrels, destructible glass, elevators, etc.
• Get achievements for special stunts
• Race against your ghost
• Directly compare to your friends and all other players with the builtin leaderboard
• Tilt or button control, whichever you prefer
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Fishing Superstars 1 3 1

Fishing Superstars 1.3.1fishing-superstars-1-3-1

05.14.2013, ANDROID GAMES

Category: Sports Games
Current Version: 1.3.1
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
App Info:
Fishing Superstars
Reel ‘em in!
Let’s go fishing!
Experience the most dynamic fishing experience on your mobile device! Go fishing in the most tranquil and exotic fishing locations of the world and see if you have what it takes to be the Fishing Superstar. Boast your fish in the Hall of Fame or grow them in your very own aquarium. With the most realistic touch and balancing controls, cast out your fishing rod and reel ‘em in!

Play as your phone reacts to the environment and your movements to replicate an actual fishing experience!
Compete against other users in Competition Mode as you see who has the skills and patience to catch the best fish!
Explore more challenges as you complete tasks in Quest Mode, and receive special items and coins!
Collect the fish you catch and feed them to gain experience!
Customize your avatar with a wide assortment of fishing gear from sunglasses to fish bait!
1.3.1 version:
Patch Notes v1.3.0
> Main Menu UI Change
> Level-up Rewards System Added
> Early Levels Difficulty Balance
> Improved Tutorial
> Chinese Language Option Added
> Minor Bug Changes
Thanks for Fishing! May your catch be rewarding!
Contact GAMEVIL Inc.@
Tips & Tricks:
Broaden your Superstars experience with our other titles!
Baseball Superstars® 2012- Ultimate Smart Baseball Experience
Soccer Superstars 2012- The Ultimate Smart Soccer Experience
Freekick Battle- Shoot freekicks against players in realtime!
Punch Hero- Hit ’em Where it Hurts!

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